Infected Blood Inquiry Report

The publication of yesterday’s Infected Blood Inquiry report is likely to be a milestone for many of you, marking the culmination of a seven-year long investigation.

No words can ever undo the devastating impact that being administered with infected blood has had on your lives and the lives of your loved ones; however, it is hoped that the report has provided answers and insight that may give some comfort.

The Inquiry will likely be the focus of national attention for some time, and we are conscious that it may feel inescapable which could make the next few weeks very difficult.

We are also conscious that reactions to the findings published in the report will vary especially as it marks the conclusion of an Inquiry that some of you have contributed to.

If you need any support – someone to talk to, questions that need answering, help with memories of past experiences that re-surface – we are here.

Please contact your local centre or call the SHN main number 01256 314793 and ask for the Haemophilia Team.

SHN offices are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.